The President’s Address
Welcome to the official Estate Police Association of Trinidad and Tobago website, this is a first for the EPA and we are pleased to accomplish this milestone. We are moving boldly into the age of technology to better communicate with you the membership and the public on the issues facing the EPA and our policies and programs.
We face many challenges, such as, poor working conditions, victimization, inadequate remuneration and legislation in the form of the Private Security Industry Bill 2019 and also amendments to the Supplemental Police Act 2019 which has the propensity to plunge us into oblivion.
We have thus far, diligently and competently advocated our position on these issues at all levels including an appearance before the Joint Select Committee of the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago, in keeping with our mandate to represent the interest of all Estate Police in our nation of Trinidad and Tobago.
To further our cause, we need your support to join the EPA, let us together take a journey to place the Estate Police at the top of the heap as it relates to representation of its members.
We pay respect to those former executives who has served the membership of the EPA because without them we would not have this opportunity to further the cause of Estate Police Officers.
In service always
Deryck Richardson

Mr. Deryck Richardson
President 2018-2022